Raider Aid

One of the most effective things we can do to show Christ’s love to our community is provide for practical and physical needs. There are many students in our surrounding Reynoldsburg schools that are homeless and/or experiencing scarcity of necessities such as school supplies, hygiene items, and winter clothing. Several times a year, ReyNaz collects needed items to share with these Reynoldsburg Raider students.  We give the supplies to the schools, where students can discreetly take what they need.

Care Portal

There are hurting children and families all around the globe.  The Church can be part of the answer to that problem.  The problem has always been getting the Church and government to help together.  Care Portal has found the way to share the needs individual children and families have and mobilize the Church to meet those needs.  Thousands of families have been positively impacted by this partnership.  The people of ReyNaz want to be a part of the solution as well.

Learning Tree

The Learning Tree Homeschool Group provides homeschooling families with Christian-viewpoint based enrichment and supplemental classes in a group setting. Classes and activities are organized by homeschooling parents for their children. Each session we actively seek input from member families regarding the types of classes desired, and work with our members to identify teachers of good character to serve as instructors.


God is in the business of restoration. And as a church, ReyNaz wants to help in that process for those who are navigating the difficulties of life. We are a meeting site for several Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups throughout the week in our Fireside Room.

  • The Absolutes - SUNDAYS @ 5:30pm – 6:30pm

    Courage to Change - THURSDAYS @ 6:30pm – 7:30pm

    Friendship Group of AA - FRIDAYS @ 8:30pm – 9:30pm

    Men’s Eleventh Step AA - SATURDAYS @ 11:00am – 12:15pm

    Saturday Night AA - SATURDAYS @ 6:00pm - 7:00pm

    Fairway Group of AA - SATURDAYS @ 8:00pm – 9:00pm

  • Promise Is Freedom - SUNDAYS @ 7:45pm – 9:00pm